
Showing posts from July, 2022

The AOG Responds

I received the following response to my open letter to the AOG on 21 Jun 2022. With Mr. Hornsby's permission, I'm posting his entire email here: Dear Mr. Dunphy: Thank you for taking the time to share robust feedback on the Association of Graduates’ 2022 survey of USAFA graduates. Your thoughtful analysis is greatly appreciated. I discussed your analysis with Naviere Walkewicz ’99, Senior Vice President of Alumni Relations and Business Development, and would like to share some information that I hope will be helpful in providing context. The main goals of the 2022 survey were to: 1) solicit graduate feedback as the AOG commences its strategic planning to create an association that is a value-add for grads and has influence and impact, 2) establish new baselines that we can measure against to assess effectiveness going forward, and 3) share in a transparent fashion how graduates feel about their Academy and association today. We anticipate a more regular cadence of graduate sur...